

  • Type: Independent
  • Genre: Physical Theatre
  • Date: 2019-01-21
  • Number of performers: 2
  • Duration: 50 min
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Colosos en Calzones is the 2nd chapter of the series Reminiscente. After the solo A Colossus, this duet was born at a residency at CLOUD/danslab in The Hague, The Netherlands.

This duet is performed by Arturo Vargas and Fernando Troya, and assisted by Quentin Roger. The music is composed and played live by composer Marko Ivic.

For this chapter the main sources of inspiration are: 1) the series of prints Disasters of War and Caprichos by painter Francisco de Goya, but also some of his earlier paintings, with scenes of the countryside and popular characters; 2) The Allegory of the Cave by philosopher Plato is metaphorically still very present in this second chapter.

Concept and choreography: Fernando Troya.

Performance: Fernando Troya & Arturo Vargas.

Music by Marko Ivic.

Production: Martha Gallego (7 Hills Foundation).

Video by Joris-Jan Bos.